Hello! It’s the Mi Vida Saludable research team! We hope that you are enjoying the newsletters so far, and are eating a healthy diet (full of fruits and vegetables fat and sugar) and staying active in NYC. In this newsletter, you will discover easy ways to be more physically active around the house. You will also learn about proper portions of protein on your plate. Have fun!
Mi Vida Saludable News #4
Tidy with Energy! And Proper Portions of Chicken, Meat, and Fish
Tidy with Energy
Be physically active without leaving your home! Get creative with everyday tasks. Here are some ideas:
- Indoor housework such as washing windows, scrubbing floors, and sweeping
- Outdoor housework such as sweeping, raking, or shoveling snow
- Carrying or pushing heavy objects such as grocery bags and furniture

Proper Portions of Protein
Remember MyPlate from the last newsletter? Following the MyPlate guidelines helps us eat a healthy diet. The goals are to:
- Make half (50%) of your plate fruits and vegetables
- Make one-quarter (25%) of your plate whole grains or starchy vegetables
- Make one-quarter (25%) of your plate lean (without visible fat) protein
Let’s now focus on protein. It’s important to eat protein sources in the right amounts – and to fill only one quarter (25%) of your plate with protein. Try to limit red meat and processed meat. Cutting back on these meats may decrease the chance of getting breast cancer again.
Focus instead on eggs, poultry, fish, nuts and seeds, and beans.
In addition to visualizing one quarter of your plate, the proper serving of animal protein, such as poultry and fish, is the palm of your hand. Here are some other methods used to identify the right serving size for protein.
A proper portion of cooked chicken is about the size of a deck of cards.

A proper portion cooked fish is about the size of a checkbook.

A proper portion of cooked beans is 1/2 cup, or about the size of a lightbulb.

A proper portion of nuts is 1/4 cup, or about the size of a golf ball.

Pictures are from: http://www.webmd.com/diet/healthtool-portion-size-plate
The National Cancer Institute has resources available to help manage life after treatment available here: http://www.cancer.gov/publications/patient-education/facing-forward
For more recipes, how-to articles, and videos on making healthy choices, visit:www.cookforyourlife.org
Questions or comments?
Please contact Amanda Marín-Chollom: (212) 305-3640