Clásicos Bizcochos Buttermilk

Algunas veces, usted sólo necesita un bizcocho y esta simple receta de Clásicos Bizcochos Buttermilk funciona siempre. El perfecto húmedo y crujiente bizcocho saciará todas sus necesidades de bizcochos clásicos.
Algunas veces, usted sólo necesita un bizcocho y esta simple receta de Clásicos Bizcochos Buttermilk funciona siempre. El perfecto húmedo y crujiente bizcocho saciará todas sus necesidades de bizcochos clásicos.
199 cals
9 g
Saturated Fat
6 g
Polyunsaturated Fat
1 g
Monounsaturated Fat
2 g
25 g
1 g
1 g
4 g
222 mg
Reviews & Comments
A TABLESPOON of salt?? I made this recipe for my dad who has severe nausea after his first chemo treatment for lung cancer. I just wanted a good, satisfying meal for him. The sodium content in these biscuits was so high, he couldn't even finish half. And sugar. How much? It is not listed in ingredients.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! check these recipes before you submit!!!!
Respuesta de Cook for Your Life
We agree! And we're so sorry that you had a bad experience. We do test all our recipes but they need to be retested and updated continually. We've halved the amount of salt to 1.5 teaspoons. Thank you for leaving the review and letting us know, and again, we apologize!
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